Prayer for One's Parents |
Prayer for One's Parents God of Goodness, You have given me parents through whom I partake of Your many blessings. You desire that I give thanks for the life which You have given me through them and for the care which they have shown me. I humbly pray to You for their health and salvation. Long-suffering, Gracious and Righteous God, accept my humble gratitude for the blessings which You have unceasingly poured out upon my parents. Good Master, continue to send Your grace upon them and forgive all their sins, and those they may commit in the future as mortals. In Your goodness, reward them for the love and care which they have constantly shown me. Protect them from all accidents and sadness. Grant them a long, peaceful and happy life. May Your blessings flow upon us all that we may do all those things which please You, so that together we may bless you all the days of our lives. Amen |