
We are affiliated with The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA with headquarters located in South Bound Brook, N.J. Our mission is to provide liturgical and spiritual services and support to like-minded individuals. The liturgy is conducted and sung in the Ukrainian language with English inserts where applicable. We currently follow the Julian calendar, however that may be subject to change when our consistory adopts the Gregorian calendar in the near future.
Rev. Fr. Ihor Krekhovetsky is our pastor, and Lydia Dzus is currently our Parish Council president.
Our roots go back to the late 1940s with the post WWII emigration of Ukrainians looking to settle in the Rochester NY area. The commonality among these early church members was in that they escaped the Iron Curtain of the Soviet Union by way of having been captive and enslaved in German concentration camps by Nazi occupiers in Ukraine. When the war was over, these displaced Ukrainians sought freedom in the United States of America - which also included freedom of religion. The first liturgy was performed in a private home, then, as more Ukrainians came to Rochester, the services were done in a garage. The church was incorporated in 1950, and when the number of families increased in the area, they decided to buy, in 1954, a small vacant church within the city limits at the corner of Clinton Ave North and Avenue A,
By the early 1960s, the influx of Ukrainian Orthodox families from Europe and South America overcrowded the small church on Clinton Avenue and the church elders decided to purchase a plot of land on St.Paul Boulevard, in Irondequoit, with the idea of building a larger church in the Ukrainian/Byzantine style. The first step was to build a simple hall that would serve as a temporary chapel and a gathering place for parishioners. Bingo, hall rentals, donations and other fund raising events brought in sufficient cash to gradually begin the construction of the church. With the volunteer efforts of skilled parishioners, the church was completed piecemeal in 1982 and continues to provide liturgical and spiritual services to the present time.

Beloved Clergy, Faithful, and People of Goodwill, As we stand at the threshold of the year 2025, we give thanks to Almighty God for His abundant blessings, which have carried us through the joys and trials of the past year. With grateful hearts, we now turn our eyes toward the future, welcoming the gift of a new year—a time for renewal, reflection, and recommitment to our journey of faith. In this sacred moment, let us embrace the opportunity to seek peace, stability, and tranquility, both in our hearts and in the world around us. The New Year is a time when many resolve to improve their physical, emotional, and moral lives, but I urge you to go deeper. Let your greatest resolution be a spiritual one: to become a new creation in Christ. Let this year mark a profound transformation in your relationship with God, your neighbor, and all of His creation. May this year be one of spiritual transfiguration—a time to draw closer to the Lord in prayer, love, and service. Be a beacon of His light in a world longing for hope. Let acts of kindness and mercy flow from you as a testament to the living God within your soul. Through your actions and words, bring the love of Christ to those around you, healing broken hearts and restoring faith. As the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, we remain steadfast in our prayers for peace—especially for Ukraine and all places afflicted by strife. May this year bring an end to violence, a triumph of justice, and the dawning of a new era of unity and reconciliation. Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, may the blessings of our Lord be upon you and your loved ones in the coming year. May the light of His love fill your hearts with peace, your homes with joy, and your lives with purpose. Together, let us walk boldly into 2025, guided by faith, hope, and the boundless love of God. With heartfelt prayers and blessings, Archbishop Daniel |
Дороге духовенство, вірні та люди доброї волі, Стоячи на порозі 2025 року, ми дякуємо Всемогутньому Богові за Його щедрі благословення, які провели нас через радощі та випробування минулого року. З вдячними серцями ми звертаємо свої погляди в майбутнє, радіючи дару Нового Року - часу для оновлення, роздумів та відновлення нашої дороги віри. У цей священний момент скористаймося можливістю шукати миру, рівноваги та спокою як у наших серцях, так і в навколишньому світі. Новий Рік - це час, коли багато хто вирішує покращити своє фізичне, емоційне та моральне життя, але я закликаю вас до більшого. Нехай вашим найбільшим рішенням буде саме духовне: стати новим створінням у Христі. Нехай цей рік ознаменує глибоку трансформацію у ваших стосунках з Богом, ближнім і всім Його створінням. Нехай цей рік буде роком духовного преображення - часом наближення до Господа в молитві, любові та служінні. Будьте маяком Його світла у світі, котрий прагне надії. Нехай з вас витікають вчинки добра і милосердя як свідчення живого Бога у вашій душі. Своїми діями і словами несіть любов Христову тим, хто вас оточує, зцілюючи розбиті серця і відновлюючи віру. Як Українська Православна Церква США, ми залишаємося непохитними в наших молитвах за мир - особливо за Україну та інші частини світу, що страждають від конфліктів. Нехай цей рік принесе кінець насильству, перемогу справедливості та початок нової ери єдності та примирення. Улюблені у Христі брати і сестри, нехай благословення Господа нашого перебувають з вами і вашими близькимиу прийдешньому році. Нехай світло Його любові наповнить ваші серця миром, ваші домівки - радістю, а життя - метою. Разом сміливо крокуймо у 2025 рік, керуючись вірою, надією та безмежною Божою любов'ю. З сердечними молитвами та благословеннями, Архієпископ Даниїл |

Від заснування нашої парафії догляд за храмом та навколо нього здійснювали волонтери, члени Свято-Михайлівського братства. Настав час, коли цих волонтерів стало менше, вони досягли своїх фізичних обмежень і не можуть продовжувати легко виконувати необхідне технічне обслуговування церкви, залу та території церкви. Звертаємось до чоловічої статі нашої парафії, закликаємо їх приєднатися до братства та взяти на себе обов’язки щодо утримання церковного майна в належному стані. Будь ласка, зв’яжіться з нашим поточним менеджером нерухомості, Володею Любезним, і запропонуйте добровільно присвятити свій час служінню нашій парафії. Ваша допомога буде дуже вдячна.
From the establishment of our parish, maintenance in and around the church was performed by volunteers, members of St. Michael's Brotherhood. The time has come in that these volunteers are fewer in numbers and have reached their physical limitations and cannot continue to easily do the needed maintenace on the church, the hall and church grounds. We're appealing to the male members of our parish, calling them to join the brotherhood and begin to take over the responsibilities of keeping the church assets in good condition. Please contact our current property manager, Volodya Lyubeznyy, and offer to volunteer your time in service to our parish. Your help will greatly be appreciated.

Thank you to all our parishioners and friends who continue to support our parish by sending donations by mail. Please mail your contribution to: St. Mary the Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Church, 3176 St. Paul Blvd, Rochester NY 14617.
Дякуємо всім нашим парафіянам та друзям, які продовжують підтримувати нашу парафію, надсилаючи пожертви поштою. Будь ласка, надішліть свій внесок до: St. Mary the Protectress Ukrainian Orthodox Church, 3176 St. Paul Blvd, Rochester NY 14617.

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Many churches today face decreasing membership numbers - St Mary's is no different. Our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents built one of the most beautiful Ukrainian Orthodox churches in the United States!! They did it by working hard and by making contributions... in many ways. Why? To give their children and future generations a special place to worship.
Many of them are no longer with us, but their dream lives on. Your help is needed to keep their dream alive. Our annual expenses are over $125,000.00 and are growing each year. This year, in particular, we have agressively made many needed repairs: repairs to the front steps, the renovation and painting of the interior of the church, renovation of the hall kitchen, and many other areas as well. We face the difficult task of trying to pay for all those repairs. We thank our volunteers for the enormous work done to date. Please help by volunteering your time or by making a donation. Thank You!
Kindly send your donation, no matter the amount, to:
St Mary Ukrainian Orthodox Church, 3176 St. Paul Blvd, Rochester NY 14617-3433

Don't have time every week or month? Just an hour or two whenever would help.
Our Sisterhood needs "crimpers" to make varenyky and if you don't know how... WE'LL TEACH YOU. Or you can make potato or cheese balls, cut out circles of dough, or help with other fun tasks. We'll provide a meal and great conversations with a terrific group of ladies. We get together monthly starting at 5:00 pm. Join us whenever you can and be ready to have fun - no appointment necessary. If you'd rather sell, serve or wash a few pots and pans, why not pop in at our monthly Food Sale - lunch will be provided.
The Brotherhood can also use volunteers for repairs, cleaning and general property maintenance around the church property. Yes, the Brotherhood also provide meals and something to whet your whistle too. Contact Walter (585) 748-4202 to sign up and to get the work schedule.

Do You Want to Live Longer? Here's how...
Attending weekly religious services can add seven (7) years to your life, concluded Christopher Ellison in a study of 22,000 Americans at University of San Antonio last year.
More than 100 studies suggest that regular prayer, meditation and connection with a faith community can lower blood pressure, boost immune functions, improve sleep, enhance recovery from illness and lower the chance of heart disease and cancer. Spiritual practices can thicken the brain cortext to defend against depression as well, a 2013 Columbia University study found.
Now that you know the secret, please join us Sunday.

Walter Sukhenko Cell: 585-748-4202
ORTHODOX DIRECTORIES The above quick links provided by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA |